Wednesday, June 17, 2009

KAT with Fan Goh (WSWSC, 21.5km)

 Took the seahorse out to paddle a KAT with Fan Goh, Cho Kau, Ka Bo, Stella, Ah Ho, and a young man (forgot his name.)  The trip went surprisingly smoothly.  

Stretched for about an hour before I get down to the water, also did one set of twenty sit ups, and rolled around a bit on the pontoon (aikido ukemi forward rolls).  I think the stretching did me much good.

I was still a little sore, but was able to perform more or less normally.  Was slightly behind Ka Bo and Cho-Kau, but didn't feel like racing ahead to catch up, so I paddled at my own pace.  Found the entire trip rather easy and comfortable.  I even beat Ka Bo as we crossed the Tolo Channel, because we were paddling with the wind/current behind us.

Fan Goh and Cho Kau both said I rotate too far back ... actually, at first Fan Goh said I wasn't rotating, so I went out of my way to rotate, and duh, they said I overdid it.  My head also tend to follow my body when I rotate, which means my boat wiggle around a lot.

Really need to learn to navigate; kept getting blown downwind and off course.  Ka Bo and Cho Kau both kept teasing me about that.

I feel fine, I did a reasonable workout but not tired.  Also drank quite a bit today, so am only mildly dehydrated.  If I feel well after a good night's rest, I might even be able to paddle to TMT tomorrow for windsurfing.  (28k return trip.)

Fan Goh said I over trained (both the 60k and the gym work out), so I need to slow down on that and focus on CV training.  Am allowed to take a day or two off to rest, then work it up gradually (no more over-training though.)

For full day training, he advised to paddle a very short course in the morning if I've already worked out in the gym; and then do a longer course in the afternoon.  No need to work on weights morning and evening; in fact, I shouldn't work on them everyday (I should do them every second day), unless it's really light.

Gonna get dinner, read a book or two, then go to bed.

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