My butt is still sore from the previous Fred's-to-TMT-back-to-Fred's-with-CLG-in-between trip, and I'm about to pull off another one tomorrow.
But I'll be rolling with Ng Siu Ming tomorrow (KA day two), I'm counting on it being a very laid back training day. Then again, I'll have to roll a tiger...
Sun rises at 0543, sun sets at 1856, quarter moon so very mild tide with only one HT and one LT, If I were to launch at 0600, it'll be flat tide at KLW, with very mild rising tide from 0730 on (i.e. following sea). I can launch any time after 1500 and the tide will follow too (ebb).
Last time (May 10), a fairly strong East wind (BF4) with rising tide gave me a good push towards TMT in the Tolo Channel, but I had to paddle against the wind and current on my way back. Wind isn't going to help me tomorrow, but am certainly counting on the rising tide from 0730 0nwards in the morning. It's gonna be my lucky day, because the tide starts to ebb at 1500, about the right time for me to head back. Which means I'm expecting a following sea both ways.
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