Friday, June 12, 2009

Bloody Lia

* * * too much details warning * * *

Woke up late (0745) and drenched in blood -- the curses of womanhood again.  No wonder I've been cranky and irritable.  Took a shower, and the nauseating smell of blood and rust lingered in the steamy bathroom.  I wonder if it's dangerous to paddle in the early morning and evening in such a bloody state, what with the great white in NZ and all. (Maybe I should seriously consider using a plastic boat.)  And no wonder I'm anemic, how can I lose so much blood overnight and still stand up, it's anybody's wonder.

As I showered, I seriously thought about toying with birth control pills again.  Used to do that when I was a teenager: I noticed my period stops for a month or two when I start taking the pills, so I would take the pills a week or so before I go camping, and stop the pills once my trip is over.  But I'm a little older now, and I wonder if it's worth messing with my hormones just for a good day on the water, especially with the tumor growing in my left breast.  Still, there has to be smarter ways to deal with my period; I have no doubt it's dangerous to lose so much blood, and on a regular basis.  I am feeling dizzy and thirsty as I type (and I just had a can of coffee).

Right, woke up late, and still mucking around online, so that means no sailing for me today.  I'm not willing to skip my 20k assignment, so I have no choice but to play hookey in sailing. 

Breakfast today:
  • scrambled eggs x2, with tomato paste,  half an onion and half a green bell pepper
  • 1 can of blue mountain coffee

Lastly, I wonder if it's cheating if I paddle over 30km during my 20-30km assignment.  You know how professors send your essay back if you write 10 pages instead of 6 pages as assigned... It's probably safer not to ask, I don't want to out right defy instructions; it sucks to be told explicitly not to do something -- it makes me crave it with a passion.

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